7445 Company Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46237-9296
In Canada call 1-800-661-6292 or 519-421-1212
Record this information for ease of service:
Date of purchase:
Serial number:
Model number:
Proudly manufactured
in the U.S.A.
Weight (approximate) ................ 924lbs (420kg)
Room Size ........................ 9’ (2.7m) x 9’ (2.7m)
Voltage ................................................230 VAC
Amperage ............................................1P - 43A
............................................................3P - 25A
Circuit Breaker (recommended min.) ...1P - 60A
............................................................3P - 40A
Outlet ......................................... Hardwire only
Main Lamps ..................................... 48 x 180W
Face Tanner Lamps ............................ 4 x 500W
Shoulder Tanner ................................... 8 x 25W
Body Cooling ........................1100cfm Foot Fan
Main Timer System ................................. Digital
Back-up Timer ................. Secondary Solid-state
Max. Exposure Time ........................ 10 minutes
Remote Capability ........T-Max® Wireless Ready