ETEL Doc.- Hardware Manual # DSC2P / Ver H / 6/1/11
DSC2P Hardware Manual
: These 3 inputs can be used if no digital Hall effect sensor is present on connector JC10.
Mounting systems – Installation requirements
The housed format has the following electrical safety degree: IP 20 (according to EN
60529 standard).
The housed format must be installed in an enclosure respecting a pollution degree
of 2 (refer to UL 508C and EN 50178 standards for more information).
The controllers should be protected against any splashes of liquid and any contacts with smoke and dust. They
must be installed inside a closed cabinet and screwed on a metallic plate, where no vibration will occur. The
ground of the controller(s) must be connected prior to any other connections.
A fan is already present in the housing of the housed format. Nevertheless, it is recommended to install fans
in the cabinet to guarantee an air flow (the fan power depends on the user application).
Motion profile and command
management sampling time
166 µs
Current loop sampling time
41.6 µs
Position loop sampling time
41.6 µs
Motion profiles
Trapezoidal / S-curve / Sine / look-up table / interpolated (DSMAX)
32 bits floating point DSP
Dual SHARC, Digital Signal Processor
Power stage relay
Relay cutting the + 15 VDC voltage of the power part
Brake resistor
External > 40
with thermal switch protection
ETEL-BUS-LITE 2 host (PC) communication
RS232 or RS422 / 9600 to 115'200 bps
Turbo-ETEL-Bus multi-axis communication
100 Mbps (based on Ethernet components)
CAN interface option
with DSO-CAN board
PROFIBUS interface option
with DSO-PRO board
MACRO interface option
with DSO-MAC board
SERCOS interface option
with DSO-SER2 board
Analog 1Vptp
Max. 400kHz in. / Up to 2'048 (x4) interpolation factor
Digital (TTL, RS422)
Max. 10 MHz input frequency
EnDat 2.1 compatible input (EDT + ECL)
Encoder limit switch (EHO + ELS)
TTL signal
inputs / outputs
Digital input, insulated
6 + 3
(+ 8 with DSO-HIO optional board)
Digital output, insulated
4 (+ 8 with DSO-HIO optional board)
Analog input
1 (+ 4 depending on the DSO-HIO optional board version)
Analog output
0 (+ 4 depending on the DSO-HIO optional board version)
Software /
ETEL Tools software for setting / monitoring
Windows 9x / 2000 / NT / XP
DLL files (C / C++ / VB / LV)
Windows 9x / 2000 / NT / XP / QNX4 / QNX6
User's programmable sequence
8191 lines
Liquid Crystal Display
16 characters
Firmware update
RS232, Turbo-ETEL-Bus
Motor's short-circuit relay
Relay short-circuiting the motor's phases
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