Source Four LED User Manual v1.8.0
P r e s e t
Preset is the number of a Preset, whether it is a predefined or a custom color mix.
On the Sequences menu, scroll to Preset and press [
Press [
] or [
] to set the desired Preset number.
Press [
Press [
] to scroll to Link Time.
L i n k T i m e
Link Time is the length of time the fixture waits before moving from one Preset to the next. The format
is MM:SS. The default is 2 seconds.
On the Sequences menu, scroll to Link Time and press [
Figure-4.26 Selecting Link Time on the Sequences Menu
Press [
] or [
] to set the desired time in minutes.
Press [
Press [
] or [
] to set the desired time in seconds.
Press [
] to commit the values.
F i n i s h i n g t h e S e q u e n c e
After each of the steps have been configured, set the End State. End state is what the fixture does once
it completes the Sequence. Two end state options are available and both options repeat indefinitely
until the Sequence is deactivated. To access the end state options, you must first program an additional
and final step within the sequence using Preset 0. Preset 0 marks the end of the Sequence and opens
the End State menu line. Preset 0 may only be used once within a Sequence. If you want the Sequence
to repeat automatically, you may only define up to 23 steps with Presets 1 through 24, since the final
step must be reserved for Preset 0.
• Loop: Once the fixture completes the entire sequence, it immediately returns to the beginning
and starts the sequence over again, in order.
• Bounce: Once the fixture completes the entire sequence, it reverses the order of the presets and
steps backward through them until reaching the starting step, at which point it starts the
Sequence over again, in the original order.
Action: Not
Rate: 100%
Step: 01
: 1
Link Time: 00:02
Copy to Other Fixture
Action: Not
Rate: 100%
Step: 01
Preset: 1
Link Time
: 00:02
Copy to Other Fixture