Functional Description
User Guide
Synchronisation Nodes
After the start of a FlexRay network, the local clocks of all network nodes have
to be synchronized. The synchronisation process requires a minimum of two
nodes which can send sync frames (synchronisation nodes). The other nodes
of the network get synchronized when decoding the sync frames and adjusting
their local clocks.
The FlexRay interface of the ES595.1 is equipped with one additional internal
synchronisation node. The synchronisation node can exclusively execute syn
chronisation functions and is internally connected to the FlexRay channels
FLX1 and FLX2.
If this synchronisation node sends start-up/sync messages as the second
node of the FlexRay network, the FlexRay networks that don’t have further syn
chronisation modules can be started and synchronized with one individual
ES595.1 module.
Examples of Application
• Testing/ running of FlexRay ECUs beyond FlexRay networks
• Flashing of ECUs via FlexRay
Firmware Update
The firmware of the ES595.1 can be updated by the user so that future versions
of the module can also be implemented. The firmware is updated on the con
nected PC using service software "Hardware Service Pack" (HSP).
Neither the power supply nor the Ethernet connection can be interrupted
during a firmware update!