Care giver, driving up backwards:
• Ensure that the anti-tips are turned
• Reverse the chair to the edge of the
• Tilt the wheelchair up, if necessary
with help from the tilter, so that the
castor wheels are in the air.
• Pull the wheelchair upwards and
backwards, ensuring that the cas-
tor wheels have cleared the edge
before setting down the wheelchair
on all four wheels.
13 Driving technique, settings manoeuvring
13:1 Driving technique
Weight distribution is the decisive factor
when it comes to operating conditions.
It is in part dependent upon the user’s
weight, size and seating position and
in part upon the position of the rear
wheels longitudinally.
The more weight that is placed over the
rear wheels, the easier the wheelchair
is to manoeuvre. The more weight over
the castor wheels, the heavier the chair
becomes to operate.
Care giver:
If the user is left alone in the wheelchair,
ensure that the brakes are applied and
that the anti-tip is swung down.
Increase the overall support base of the
wheelchair by reversing for about 10 cm,
thereby ensuring the castor wheels
swing forwards.
13:2 Ascending kerbs, higher thresholds
Care giver, driving up forwards:
• Ensure that the anti-tips are turned
• Tilt the wheelchair, if necessary with
help from a tilter, so that the castor
wheels come up on the pavement.
• Lift by the push handles to help the
rear wheels up.
Lower the anti-tips again.
User, driving up backwards:
This technique only works if there is
a low kerb/threshold, relative to the
installed height of the footrests.
• Ensure that the anti-tips are turned
• Reverse to the edge of the kerb/
• Take a firm hold of the handrims
while at the same time leaning
Lower the anti-tips again.
Lower the anti-tips again.