1. Push the gray buttons on the leg rest extensions; swing
upward until parallel with the ground.
Fig. 44
2. Peel off seat upholstery from the mesh seat support.
Fig. 45
3. Remove bolt with a 5/32” Allen wrench.
Fig. 46
4. Extend the footplate tube by matching it with the holes on
the seat base.
Fig. 47
5. Tighten back the bolt.
Fig. 48
6. Repeat on opposite side.
Fig. 46
Fig. 48
Adjust seat depth to
desired setting
Fig. 47
Fig. 45
Fig. 44
Seat Depth Adjustment With Seating
The same upholstery is used for both one-piece and
individual footplates.
Fig. 49
Fig. 50
5°- 45° of adjustable tilt
Tilt Adjustment
The tilt feature allows for added comfort
and/or convenience during feeding. To tilt,
squeeze the tilt lever on the chair’s handle
and push down. Release the lever when
desired angle of tilt has been achieved.
Fig. 49 & 50