Servo : ».». ....
1234 5678
The display now shows that servos 1 and 3 will be switched with
button F1 (turnout number 1).
Of course, the servo end positions as well as the speed can be
adjusted individually for every servo, only the activation happens
Whenever you work with Function Mapping, you should make
sure that servos cannot be triggered by more than one turnout
number, because there may be some unexpected results.
6.7. Status information
The SwitchPilot 3 Servo can display extensive status and diagnostic
information, which can be particularly helpful, especially for wiring
and troubleshooting.
6.7.1. Display software version & track voltage
The „Information” panel displays both the hardware („HW”) as
well as the software („SW”) version of the decoder. The supply
voltage („Voltage”) of the outputs is also displayed.
If the SwitchPilot 3 Servo is powered directly by the command
station, „Voltage” displays the digital track voltage, otherwise the
voltage of the connected power supply.
Status information
HW : 3.0
FW : 3.0.9
Voltage : 17.3V
6.7.2. Displaying the status of the outputs
The “Output State” table provides important information regar-
ding the status of the outputs:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
CMD .».»»..»».».»..»
END .».....»..».»..»
a) Number of servo output.
b) Servo has reached end position “A”.
c) Servo has reached end position “B”.
The row END indicates for each output from 1 to 8 if the servo has
reached the desired end position “A” or “B”.
While the servo is moving, there is no display. Non-existing bars
indicate servos that are currently moving.
In Proportional Mode there will be no bar on the display if the
servo is somewhere between “A” and “B”.
The row CMD indicates the most recent command for each output
1 to 8: A bar on the left (directly below the number) indicates
that the command “Red” is received from the command station.
Similarly, a bar on the right indicates “Green”. Points are displayed
until a valid command has been detected. The SwitchPilot 3 Servo
records the most recent commands. Therefor the latest operating
conditions will be restored after a power interruption.