11. RailCom®
RailCom® is a technique for transferring information from the de-
coder back to the command station. When RailCom® is switched
on, the CV values of the SwitchPilot can be read out directly on the
main. From the factory, RailCom® is active on SwitchPilot 3 Servo.
11.1. RailCom® Configuration
If necessary, RailCom® can be disabled on the SwitchPilot.
In this case „Mode” must be set to „Disabled”. The value of CH2
is intended for future expansions and should not be changed.
Mode : Enabled
CH2 : Enabled
RailCom & Direct switching
12. Direct switching with the inputs for push buttons
The SwitchPilot 3 Servo is also suitable for switching the 8 servo
outputs without a digital system. Therefor it may also be used by
the “classical” analogue model train enthusiasts.
The SwitchPilot 3 Servo receives the info regarding the desired end
positions via the 16 push buttons (8 servos with two end positions
each). Wire the push buttons as shown in Fig: 14:
• The push buttons must be free of potential.
• A short impulse is sufficient for switching.
Figure 14: Direct switching with push buttons
Servo 1,A
Servo 1,B
Servo 2,A
Servo 2,B
Servo 3,A
Servo 3,B
Servo 4,A
Servo 4,B
Servo 8,B
Servo 8,A
Servo 7,B
Servo 7,A
Servo 6,B
Servo 6,A
Servo 5,B
Servo 5,A