8.2. Independent isolated operation
If you have decided to employ the independent isolated operating mode,
then you must first connect and switch on the WLAN Access Point as de-
scribed in section In this operating mode the administration of the
network IP addresses is handled by the ECoS. For this purpose you must
first assign an IP address to the ECoS. Then the internal DHCP server will be
started and subsequently the Access Point configured. And that is how it is
8.2.1. IP settings
Call up the set-up menu on your ECoS and go to the Setup 1 in the IP set-
• First remove the tick at “Get IP settings from DHCP”, if set.
• Then enter an IP address at “IP address”, for instance:
• Enter the value at “Netmask”
• Set the tick at “Spawn DHCP-server“
In the next step you must change the name of the Wi-Fi network as well as
the password. Should you not do this; any Mobile Control can connect to
your ECoS, something you certainly do not want to happen.
8.2.2. Access Point network name and password
• Press the “OK & Setup WIFI” button
• Now the ECoS is searching for the Mini Access Point. Please be patient,
because this may take up to 30 seconds.
First you see the current settings for the network name and the network
If the desired settings are not displayed after 1 minute at the la-
test, then exit the dialogue by pressing the “X” button, remove
the power supply from the Access Point, wait about 5 seconds,
re-insert the wall power supply and restart the configuration di-
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11