Configuration menu
After a few moments the signal-box “Mainstation” on your mobile Control
will look exactly like the one on your ECoS.
12.2.2. Placing accessories
Of course you may now modify the signal-box to your liking and link more
• Touch the desired position for placing the new accessory.
• A list showing all accessories set up on your ECoS will open.
• Select the desired accessory.
• Once you have completed configuring the signal-box, press the “Finish”
button in order to return to the main screen.
Placing accessoires
12.3. Switching accessories
After successfully configuring the signal-box all accessories can be switched
by touching the appropriate icon.
• The aspect of two-aspect accessories will be directly changed from one to
the other.
• Three or four-aspect accessories: A small window with all possible aspects
opens. Select the desired aspect. The window closes and the accessory will
be switched.
12.4. Select signal-box
Similar to the locomotives you may toggle between signal-boxes
• Wipe in the area of the signal-box to the left or to the right in order to
select the respective signal-box before or after.
• Press the “+” button in order to add a new signal-box into the quick ac
cess list.