d) Touch buttons: There are four system buttons on the touch screen
a. Menu: Calling up App dependent menus.
b. Home: Pressing the Home button changes the display to the Android start
screen at any time.
c. Back: This button causes a step back in the menus or Apps.
d. Emergency Stop: Pressing this button while the Mobile Control App is ac-
tive (!), turns the DC current on or off. One LED (red/green) signals the track
e) Jack bush: This 3.5mm jack bush serves for connecting a headset (Nokia or
Samsung compatible). Besides two stereo speakers one can also connect a
f) Charging gauge: displays the battery status.
g) WLAN display: Shows the WLAN signal strength.
6.1. WLAN Access point
7. Unpacking & connecting
7.1. Battery
The Mobile Control is powered by an integral Lithium Polymer rechargeable
battery generally good for 3 to 5 hours operating time. The charger cable is
plugged into the micro USB socket at the bottom of the device. Connect this
socket with the supplied USB charger cable with any USB charger or directly
with the USB port of your computer. You may use any of the commercially
available USB chargers, as you know them, for instance, from your mobile
phone. Charging to a full load takes about two to three hours.
Unpacking & connecting
We recommend to fully charging the batteries prior to initial use
and not turning on the device before the batteries are fully char-
During charging the Mobile Control may be used, however, subject
to the type of charger the touch screen may not work reliably or
not at all.
Alternatively to a separate charger one may also use the USB socket of the
Mini Access Point for charging the batteries.
The battery can be replaced by a new one at the end of its life. Suitable bat-
teries with the part number 50113.SP.01 are available from ESU.
7.2. Lanyard
The supplied lanyard can be fed into the eye at the bottom of the Mobi-
le Control handset. We recommend always carrying the Mobile Control by
putting the lanyard around your neck. Thus it will never inadvertently fall to
the floor.
7.3. Operating conditions
In order to operate the Mobile Control successfully with your ECoS or Central
Station Reloaded, the internal software status of the ECoS or the Central
Station Reloaded must be version 4.1.0 or higher. Possibly you may have to
first update the software of your command station. You will find the relevant
information regarding firmware updates in the manual of your command
If the firmware of your command station is outdated, then the
Mobile Control will not detect, respectively recognise the com-
mand station and will not allow the device to connect.
7.4. Types of radio connections
First you must decide how you want to establish the wireless connection bet-
ween your ECoS and the handset. There are two basic types of connection
supported by the Mobile Control. Both have their advantages and disadvan-
tages. Subject to the type of connection you choose, you must configure
your ECoS respectively your Mobile Control accordingly.
7.4.1. Independent isolated operation
In this scenario the combination of ECoS and Mobile Control operate inde-
pendent of any network components in your household. You will need a
WLAN access point (generally you would use the Mini Access point KX-300
supplied with the set 50113), which has to be connected directly to the net-
work socket of your ECoS. The Mini Access Point generates its own WLAN
network to which only the Mobile Control will be linked. All settings such as
passwords, network name etc. will be entered directly on the touch screen
Figure 3: WLAN Access Point
a) Ethernet socket: For connecting
the Mobile Control to the ECoS.
b) USB charger socket: For
recharging the batteries
of the Mobile Control.
c) Mains connection socket: For connec-
ting the mains adapter supplied with
the set.
Figure 4: Section of the eye with threaded lanyard