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To use this, open the right hand oven door and remove the oven
shelf. Using the cooker tool, the panel can be lifted vertically by a
few millimetres and then tilted out at the bottom and slid out. This
will now give you access to the rear flueway, which can be brushed
with the flue brush. The soot will fall into the tray between the
Fig 21
Right side flueway
Fig 22
There are two methods to clean the right side flueway. The first
is to insert the brush at a shallow angle as shown above. The
brush will need to turn 90° into the flueway so steady pressure
will be needed to help the brush head round the bend. Once in,
work the brush up and down and front to back as the flue way
runs along the entire depth of the ovens. Again, soot will fall into
the trap between the ovens.