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Open flue damper by moving the lever away from you.
The damper has only 2 positions, open and closed. (Fig.9)
Open the outer cast iron door to reveal the glass door and set
primary and secondary air controls to open position (Fig.10).
Open the glass door and set the fire using rolled up paper,
on top of which small sticks of dry kindling wood has been
placed. Light the fire and depending on how well the
chimney is pulling, close or partially close the glass door until
the kindling is well alight.
Fig 11 Inner fire door & air controls
Reload the fire with small logs or smokeless solid fuel. You may
experience smoke back out of the firebox when reloading as the
chimney may still be in the process of warming up.
Allow the fuel to start to burn and when appropriate continue to
refuel, building up the size of the firebed. When refuelling is
required, open the glass door slowly to minimise the risk of smoke
and flames escaping. Once the fire is well established, close the flue
damper by moving the lever towards you.
Burning wood; set the controls to the desired rate. It is
recommended the primary control is closed once the fire is
established and stable, using the secondary control to regulate
the burning rate. Care must be taken not to close the inner glass