TL family`s multiroom IVF incubators User Manual Rev. 1.0
Well that is marked in purple (Image mismatch) means there is image mis-
match after the system comparing the last two images. This message could appear
if the embryo moved too much than usual or an air bubble formed in the selected
20.1.3 Compartment view
The compartment view shows detailed information for the selected compartment. If the
compartment has an active time-lapse, the compartment view will show the activity.
The 14 circles in the "revolver" view show 14 wells of the CultureCoin
. They are arranged
in this manner (and not in the linear pattern as on the physical dish) to make it easier to
see an overview at a glance.
Figure 20.15
14 wells of the
selected compartment
The timeline around the large circle shows the elapsed time.
Video player buttons are located on the lower right side of the large circle. They help to
navigate back and forward in the generated time-lapse movie. The circle's center holds
status information indicating a number of the time-lapse, patient name, insemination
time, lid openings and the elapsed time. Compartment numbers can be seen from the
squares in the top left-hand corner.
3 buttons on the right allow the user to stop the time-lapse, suspend it or start the
calibration procedure again.
A time-lapse can be suspended if the dish needs to be removed to make culture media
changes or perform a manual observation with a microscope. When the dish is put back,
the time-lapse can be resumed so that the final result will be one continuous film.