Installation Instructions
Installation of the ECS Protector Nitrogen Generator requires five (5) steps:
Mount the cabinet in the appropriate installation location
Bring the dedicated power supply to the cabinet
Plumb the nitrogen/air supply line to the water based fire sprinkler risers being served
Plumb the condensate drain line to floor drain or building exterior
Connect Nitrogen generator output signals to BMS or fire alarm system, where applicable
Step 1:
Mounting the nitrogen generator cabinet
The ECS Protector Nitrogen Generator is designed to be mounted directly to the floor and/or the wall at
the installation location. Several factors should be considered in choosing the proper mounting location
for the nitrogen generator:
Access to required power supply (dedicated circuit)
Access to sprinkler risers being supplied from nitrogen generator
Access to drain for the condensate discharge line
The cabinet includes pre
punched holes in the feet for floor mounting and holes in the back panel
for wall mounting using standard anchors.
Power Supply
The ECS Protector Nitrogen Generator requires a dedicated power supply to prevent interruption from
other equipment. The incoming power supply line ties into the top of the terminal blocks inside the
nitrogen generator cabinet (see diagram). The landing points are labeled L1, N, and G.
Step 3:
Plumb the Nitrogen/Air Supply Line
The nitrogen/air discharge plumbing from the ECS Protector Nitrogen Generator is to be connected
directly to the sprinkler system valve trim using ½
black steel, galvanized steel, or copper lines.
The size of the nitrogen/air supply line shall be based on both the length of pipe between the nitrogen
generator and fire sprinkler systems and the total volume of fire sprinkler systems being supplied. The
nitrogen generator requires an in
line Air Maintenance Device (AMD) that is equipped with an on board
field adjustable pressure regulator for each zone being served. The preferred AMD is the Victaulic Series
ECS Protector Nitrogen Generator PGEN-30 (PGEN-30E)
June 2018 - Rev 5
Engineered Corrosion Solutions
11336 Lackland Road
St. Louis, MO 63146
Phone 1-314-432-1377
ECS Protector
Nitrogen Generator
designed for fire sprinkler systems
120v/1 Phase 60 Hz Connections
(230/1 Phase 50 Hz Connections)