0447 209 001
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© ESAB AB 2022
1. VRD OFF indicator.
17. High frequency arc start mode selection button
and indicator. It is used to select
high frequency arc start mode or
Lift TIG mode.
2. VRD ON indicator.
18. 2T/4T/4TS/Spot mode selection button. Press
to select 2T, 4T, 4TS or Spot mode (TIG only).
3. Power ON indicator.
19. Welding process selection button. Press to
select DC TIG, pulse TIG or MMA.
4. Fault indicator. It shows over temperature.
20. Gas post flow indicator.
5. Display. It shows set or measured value and
error codes.
21. Final current indicator.
6. Local control indicator. When it is lit the current
is controlled by the control knob.
22. Slope down indicator.
7. Remote control indicator. When it is lit, the
current is controlled by the remote device.
23. Pulse Hz indicator.
8. Gas purge/load/save button and indicator. In
DC TIG and Pulse TIG modes, press for gas
purge. In memory mode, press once for
loading memory and press longer for saving to
24. Duty of pulse indicator.
9. Memory button. Press to load or save process. 25. Background current indicator.
10. Forward button. Press to select the adjustable
26. Set current indicator.
11. Control knob. Press to set data.
27. Slope up indicator.
12. Set indicator. When is it lit, the value can be
adjusted with the control knob.
28. Spot time indicator.
13. A/V/Backward button. Press to select current
or voltage displayed on the display when
welding. In setting mode (indicator 13 is lit),
press to select the adjustable parameter
29. Initial current.
14. S/%/Hz indicator.
30. Arc force indicator.
15. Voltage indicator.
31. Start pulse indicator.
16. Amplifier indicator.
32. Gas pre flow indicator.
Parameter selection
By pressing the button (10) different values can be shown and changed. Use the knob (11) to change
the values.
Set parameter
The set indicator (13) will be lit when a displayed value can be changed. Trying to change a value
while in measured value mode will result in automatically move to set current value mode.
The set indicator (13) is off when measured values are shown.
Weld parameters
The weld parameters are stored for pulse and no pulse respectively. The values are changed when
changing between pulse and no pulse.