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Summary of Contents for A2 TFE1

Page 1: ...Valid for Serial NO 724 XXX XXXX 0456 502 027 990531 A2 Multitrac A2 TFE1 A2 TGE1 104 Èíñòðóêöèÿ ïî ýêñïëóàòàöèè Instruction manual ...

Page 2: ... 2 Rights reserved to alter specifications without notice Îñòàâëÿåì çà ñîáîé ïðàâî èçìåíÿòü ñïåöèôèêàöèþ áåç ïðåäóïðåæäåíèÿ Ðóññêèé 3 ENGLISH 17 ...

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Page 17: ...4 2 Starting work 23 4 3 Refilling with flux powder submerged arc welding 27 4 4 Moving the automatic welding machine 27 4 5 Conversion of A2 TFE1 Submerged arc to MIG MAG welding 27 4 6 Conversion of A2 TFE1 submerged arc welding to TWIN ARC twin wire 27 5 MAINTENANCE 28 5 1 General 28 5 2 Daily 28 5 3 Periodic 28 6 TROUBLESHOOTING 29 7 ORDERING OF SPARE PARTS 29 WEAR COMPONENTS 30 SPARE PARTS LI...

Page 18: ...d person is stationed within the working area of the machine when it is started up S that no one is in a hazardous position when the carriage or slide mechanisms are operated 3 The work place must S be clear of mechanical components tools or other obstructions that could prevent the oper ator from moving freely within the working area S be organized so that there is free access to the emergency st...

Page 19: ...Sparks spatter can cause fire Make sure therefore that there are no inflammable materials nearby NOISE Excessive noise can damage hearing S Protect your ears Use ear defenders or other hearing protection S Warn bystanders of the risk MALFUNCTION Call for expert assistance in the event of malfunction PROTECT YOURSELF AND OTHERS 2 INTRODUCTION 2 1 General The A2 TFE1 automatic welding machine has fo...

Page 20: ...ion max 25_ 25_ Continuous A weighted noise pressure 68 dB 83 dB 2 3 Welding method Submerged arc welding For submerged arc welding an A2 Multitrac of type A2 TFE1 UP light duty is used with a Ø 20 mm connector which permits a load of up to 800 A 100 or 1000 A 60 The welding head can be equipped with feed rollers for single or twin wire welding twin arc A special knurled feed roller is available f...

Page 21: ... welding Main components of the A2 TFE1 1 Straightener 2 Contact equipment which consists of a contact tip connector and flux tube 3 Angular slide 4 Slide hand operated 5 Motor 6 Wire drum 7 Flux hopper may be fitted with a cyclone 8 9 Trolley 10 Column 11 Disengagement knob Main components of the A2 TGE1 1 Straightener 2 Contact equipment which consists of a connector gas nozzle and water hoses 3...

Page 22: ...ormation see the A2 A6 Process Controller PEH instruction manual 2 Connect the A2 Multitrac as shown in the drawing SUBMERGED ARC WELDING S Connect the control cable 7 between the power source 8 and the control box A2 A6 Process Controller PEH 2 S Connect the return cable 11 between the power source 8 and work piece 9 S Connect the welding cable 10 between the power source 8 and the automatic weld...

Page 23: ...t appear from page 18 Read through before you start using the equipment S Thorough preparation of the weld surfaces is necessary to achieve a good weld NOTE The width of the weld joint gap must be uniform S To minimise the risk of heat crack formation the width of the weld must be greater than the penetration depth S Always carry out a test weld with the same joint type and sheet thickness as the ...

Page 24: ...To prevent the reel sliding off the hub Lock the reel in place by turning the red knob as shown on the warning label atta ched next to the hub SAW MIG MAG S Check that the feed roller 1 and contact jaw or contact tip 3 are of the correct dimension for the selected wire size S Pull the end of the wire through the straightener 2 For a wire diameter greater than 2 mm straighten out 0 5 m of wire and ...

Page 25: ... roller 1 with twin grooves in the same way as for single wire S NOTE The pressure roller 5 must also be changed A special curved pressure roller for twin wire replaces the standard pressure roller for single wire S Assemble the pressure roller with special stub shaft order no 0146 253 001 S Flux cored wire for knurled rollers S Change the feed roller 1 and pressure roller 5 as a pair for the wire...

Page 26: ... S Assemble the clamp 7 with guide tube 6 in the M12 hole on the standard straightener 3 The guide tube should bottom on the twin adapter 9 for the contact tip 2 S Tighten the contact tip 2 with a key to ensure that a good contact is achieved S If necessary cut the guide tube 6 to length so that the feed roller 5 runs freely S Adjustment of the wires for Twin arc welding S Position the wires in th...

Page 27: ...S Remove the cyclone on the flux recovery unit if fitted S Fill with flux powder NOTE The flux powder must be dry Where possible avoid using agglomerating flux powder outdoors and in damp environments S Position the flux tube so that it does not become kinked S Adjust the height of the flux nozzle above the weld so that the correct amount of flux is delivered Flux coverage should be sufficient so ...

Page 28: ...ide the braking torque for a 30 kg wire reel should be 1 5 Nm Adjusting the braking torque S Set the locking button 006 to the locked position S Insert a screwdriver into the hub springs S Turning the springs 002 clockwise reduces the braking torque Turning the springs anti clockwise increases the torque NOTE Turn the springs by the same amount 5 3 Periodic S Inspect the electrode feed unit s elec...

Page 29: ...pressure on feed rollers 2 Symptom Wire feed is irregular Cause 2 1 Pressure on feed rollers incorrectly set Action Adjust pressure on feed rollers Cause 2 2 Feed rollers wrong size Action Replace feed rollers Cause 2 3 Grooves in feed rollers are worn Action Replace feed rollers 3 Symptom Welding cables overheating Cause 3 1 Poor electrical connection Action Clean and tighten all electrical conne...

Page 30: ...0 286 4 0 0218 510 298 3 0 3 2 SAW Twin D35 Part no D mm 0218 522 480 2 5 0218 522 484 2 0 0218 522 486 1 2 0218 522 488 1 6 SAW and MIG MAG tubular wire Part no D mm 0146 024 880 0 8 1 6 0146 024 881 2 0 4 0 MIG MAG Part no D mm 0145 538 880 0 6 0145 538 881 0 8 0145 538 882 1 0 0145 538 883 1 2 Part no D mm 148 772 880 2 0 3 0 ...

Page 31: ball bearing 0190 452 178 Washer Stub shaft for pressure roller SAW tubular wire Part no 0212 901 101 Contact tip SAW LD D20 Part no D mm 0154 623 003 4 0 0154 623 004 3 2 0154 623 005 3 0 0154 623 006 2 5 0154 623 007 2 0 0154 623 008 1 6 MIG MAG and SAW Twin LD D35 Part no D mm 0153 501 002 0 8 0153 501 004 1 0 0153 501 005 1 2 0153 501 007 1 6 0153 501 009 2 0 0153 501 010 2 4 2 5 ...

Page 32: ... 32 sida ...

Page 33: ...Spare parts list Ñïèñîê çàïàñíûõ àñòåé 33 dha4r11a Edition 990224 Ordering no Denomination Notes 0456 506 880 Automatic welding machine A2 TFE1 0456 505 880 Automatic welding machine A2 TGE1 ...

Page 34: ...0413 317 001 Handle 26 1 0413 530 880 Arm 27 1 0413 540 001 Clamp 28 1 0413 528 001 Column 29 1 0413 525 001 Insulating tube 33 6 0162 414 002 Insulating tube 35 2 0218 301 113 Eye bolt 36 1 0443 741 880 Control box PEH 39 1 0334 185 886 Mounting bracket 42 1 0413 317 003 Handle 45 1 0415 855 882 Carriage 49 6 0163 139 002 Insulator 52 1 0413 527 001 Plate 54 1 0413 539 002 Pillar rota clamp 55 1 ...

Page 35: ... 35 dha4r11a ...

Page 36: ...1 0413 528 001 Column 29 1 0413 525 001 Insulating tube 33 6 0162 414 002 Insulating tube 35 2 0218 301 113 Eye bolt 36 1 0443 741 880 Control box PEH 39 1 0334 185 886 Mountain bracket 42 1 0413 317 002 Handle 45 1 0415 855 882 Carriage 49 5 0163 139 002 Insulator 52 1 0413 527 001 Plate 54 1 0413 539 002 Pillar rota clamp 55 1 0193 570 131 Locking arm 57 1 0193 054 002 Solenoid value 58 1 0146 9...

Page 37: ... 37 dha4r11a 7 ...

Page 38: ...1 1 0334 339 001 Cable fixture 6 1 1 0334 678 001 0334 678 002 Motor 24 V Motor gear 36 rpm 68 rpm 8 1 1 0456 493 881 Control cable L 1 5 19 1 1 0413 517 001 Bracket Motor Attachment 21 1 1 0413 072 881 Bearing housing 22 1 1 0147 639 882 Straightener right D 20 24 1 1 0218 810 183 Insulated hand wheel 25 1 1 0456 504 880 Arc welding cable ...

Page 39: ... Orderingno Denomination Remarks 413 072 881 Bearing housing with stub shaft 1 1 413 073 002 Searing housing 2 2 190 726 003 Ball bearing 3 1 334 575 001 Stub shaft 4 1 2157 010 14 Betaining ring D17 5 3 334 576 001 Spacer ...

Page 40: ...10 Fixing screw 7 4 0215 201 209 O ring 8 2 0218 400 801 Arm pressure roller 9 1 0218 810 181 Insulated hand wheel top 10 1 0218 810 182 Insulated hand wheel bottom 11 3 0332 408 001 Stub shaft 13 3 0153 148 880 Roller 14 1 0415 498 001 Top roller shield 15 2 0212 902 601 Spacing screw 16 1 0415 499 001 Low roller shield 28 1 0156 531 001 Clamp half 29 1 0456 504 881 Arc welding cable ...

Page 41: ...01 Flux hopper 6 1 0153 347 881 Flux valve 7 1 0020 301 780 Sieve 16 1 0443 383 002 Flux hose L 500 mm Item no Qty Ordering no Denomination Notes 0413 518 880 Slide 90 mm 3 1 0413 521 001 Support 5 1 0413 522 001 Lead screw 7 1 0334 537 002 Handle 9 2 0413 523 001 Shaft 17 4 0190 240 107 Bearing ...

Page 42: ...7 4 0415 857 001 Wheel 9 2 0415 856 001 Shaft 10 1 0332 990 880 Motor gear carriage 14 1 0218 810 187 Insulated handle 16 1 0456 491 881 Cable 21 1 0218 201 501 Chain L 400 mm 22 1 0218 201 501 Chain L 705 mm 24 3 0333 086 002 Sprocket carriage 29 4 0333 087 007 Y flange unit 34 1 0332 975 001 Bottom plate ...

Page 43: ... Qty Ordering no Denomination Notes 0332 990 880 Motor gear carriage 1 1 0332 967 880 Motor C W gearbox 4 1 0332 968 880 Sprocket complete 6 1 0332 971 001 Coupling 8 1 0215 701 009 Circlip 9 1 0332 972 001 Shaft for gear ...

Page 44: ...0 00 Fax 46 31 50 93 60 SWITZERLAND ESAB AG Dietikon Tel 41 1 741 25 25 Fax 41 1 740 30 55 North and South America ARGENTINA CONARCO Buenos Aires Tel 54 11 4 753 4039 Fax 54 11 4 753 6313 BRAZIL ESAB S A Contagem MG Tel 55 31 333 43 33 Fax 55 31 361 31 51 CANADA ESAB Group Canada Inc Missisauga Ontario Tel 1 905 670 02 20 Fax 1 905 670 48 79 MEXICO ESAB Mexico S A Monterrey Tel 52 8 350 5959 Fax 5...
