Service Facilities
Serial calls
A serial call allows a caller to speak to several extension within
the exchange without having to call back. After each conversa-
tion is terminated the caller is redirected to the console.
The operator dials the next extension and extends the next call.
If you need to be absent marked after a serial call has
been ordered, the function ‘diversion of recall’ must be
activated, see section “Recalls diverted to another console”.
When the incoming external call requests a serial call:
Instruct the caller to hold after each finished conversation
The serial call symbol appear on the display.
Dial the extension number
Proceed in the same manner as section “Extending”.
Each time a conversation is terminated the caller is recalled
to the console. The extension number (8 digits) of the call that
has terminated is shown on the display.
Press to answer and ask which extension he/she requires
Dial the next number and extend
When the last conversation is completed:
Press to connect to the caller
Press to cancel the serial call function
The call is disconnected and the console is cleared.