When trying to correct problems, the activity log, /cnfg/system.rpt, ICMP messages, and Site Reports can be
useful in locating problems. If the problem can't be resolved, contact your EGE Service Representative.
Corrective Actions
EDG Fails to power up
1. Verify that circuit breaker is in ON position.
2. Verify that key is in UNLOCKED position.
3. Verify that power supply is plugged into a live source.
are on.
Contact EGE Service Representative.
EDG Fails to successfully boot
1. Check /cnfg/system.rpt for problem parsing
2. Check Diagnostic Terminal for problem with
LOADER.SX. Reload from floppy if necessary.
3. Check Diagnostic Terminal for problem accessing hard
drive. Power cycle EDG if access light stays on (reset may
have been pressed while the disk was active).
4. Check Diagnostic Terminal for other problems and attempt
to correct.
DIM Link could not be initialized.
1. Check physical connections.
2. Verify that EDG configuration in SYSTEM.TXT matches
physical connections.
3. Verify that the IMC or CEC is operational.
4. Disconnect DIM link for 10 seconds and reconnect.
5. Reset IMC or CEC.
6. Reboot EDG.
EDG Fails System Startup
1. Verify that EDG booted successfully (see above).
2. Verify that DIM Link was initialized (see above).
Diagnostic Terminal Fails to
1. See if terminal is in block mode. If it is, press the block
mode key again.
2. Check Terminal power and cable to EDG.
3. Check Terminal fuse (if present).
4. Verify that EDG is operational.
5. Restore factory setup, change emulation to vt100, and set
tabs to every 8 columns.
Diagnostic Terminal display doesn't
line up correctly.
1. Set tabs to every 8 columns.
2. Restore factory setup, change emulation to vt100, and set
tabs to every 8 columns.
Printer doesn't work.
1. Verify that printer is on-line and has paper.
2. Check power and cable to EDG.
3. Check for other alarms on printer and correct.
4. Verify that the EDG is operational.