private mode -
communicating in an encrypted
format (scrambled)
queueing -
the process that occurs when all
channels in a trunked system are
busy and calls must be ad-
dressed on a priority basis
site controller -
the computer controlled radio
equipment at the repeater site
that controls a trunking system
System Manager - a computer that preforms the
data basing and system monitor-
ing for the site controller
trunked group -
a radio communications path
shared by two or more users
trunked radio
system -
a radio system in which a limited
number of radio channels is dy-
namically allocated to groups of
people for communication pur-
trunked system -
a set of one or more trunked
T99 -
Type 99 - a method of opening
squelch for selective page opera-
tions using sequential tones
proprietary encryption/decryp-
tion algorithm used to scramble
and descramble signals
working channel - a radio channel (transmit/re-
ceive) that is automatically as-
signed by the site controller for
voice or data communications.
RADIO TYPE ____________________________________________________________________________
FREQUENCY BAND ______________________________________________________________________
OPERATOR’S NAME ______________________________________________________________________
EMERGENCY GROUP ____________________________________________________________________