priority 1 - On indicates the selected con-
ventional channel is designated as the
priority-one scan channel.
priority 2 - On indicates the selected con-
ventional channel is designated as the
priority-two scan channel.
SCN SCaN mode - On indicates the radio is
The Universal Device Connector (UDC) is located on
the side of the radio just above the PTT and MONI-
TOR BUTTONS. This connector provides connec-
tions for the external accessories such as a headset,
a speaker-mike, or an emergency lanyard. When the
radio is locked in a vehicular charger/repeater the
UDC provides the audio and control connections
between the radio and the vehicular charger/repeater.
The UDC is also used by the maintenance personnel
when the radio is programmed.
The radio sounds five (5) basic alert tones or "beeps"
to indicate various operating conditions. Alert tones
may be programmed to remain off at all times.
500 Hz Tone
trunked failure tone - sounds
when a trunked failure has oc-
curred (call denied, failed con-
low battery - sounds when the
battery pack’s charge is low
800 Hz Tone
private mode disabled - on a
conventional channel, sounds
when the PTT BUTTON is
pressed if private transmit
mode has previously been
1000 Hz Tone
alert tone - sounds when a
button is pressed and a status
change occurs
channel access tone - sounds
when a trunked channel has
been assigned and it is clear
to talk
1200 Hz Tone
private mode - channel ac-
cess tone - sounds when the
radio is in the private transmit
mode, a trunked channel has
been assigned and it is clear
to talk
2500 Hz Tone
call queued tone - sounds
when a trunked call is queued