Tap “play” to play back what you
just recorded.
If for any reason you
don’t like your recorded message,
you can simply repeat
step 3
you are happy with the recording.
When your recording is ready to
send, tap “send now.”
returns you to the “new messages”
archive. Tap “sent.” You can
differentiate this new audio message
from the previously sent message
by looking at the subject lines.
The default subject line is always
“take a look at this” for scribbled
messages, “read this” for typed
messages, and “listen to this” for
recorded messages.
Tap “sent.”
In the “sent messages”
view, you will notice that there are
square boxes in the “delete” column
of the archive.
deleting messages
Tap inside the box
next to the scrib-
bled message you just sent (with
“take a look at this” in the subject
line). An “x” fills the box. This
means that the message is marked
for deletion.
Tap “delete checked.”
The message
is removed from the archive. You
can use this same method to delete
messages from any of the Mail
application’s views.
Tap “new” to display the “new
messages” view.
Next, tap “get
new mail.” The Mail button on
Audrey's console flashes when you
have a new message waiting. This
button will continue to flash until
you’ve read all of your new mes-
sages. After a few seconds, you
should see the messages you sent to
yourself in the previous tutorials. If
you tap anywhere in the listing for
any of the messages (other than the
“delete” field), you can view the
details about and contents of that
message. You can also forward or
reply to the message, move back-
ward and forward in your
sent messages archive using the
“previous” and “next” buttons, or
delete the sent message by tapping
“delete.” To play back the recorded
message, tap the “play” button on
the control panel in the audio mes-
sage’s display. When you
have finished reading a message,
tap “done” to exit and send the
message to the “old messages”
view or tap the “keep as new” but-
ton to keep the message in the
“new messages” view.
retrieving messages
When you return to the “new mes-
sages” view,
you will notice
that any messages you read and
then exited by tapping the “keep
as new” button are still in the “new
messages” view. Tap the “old” but-
ton. When the “old messages” view
appears, you will notice that every
message you have read and then
exited by tapping the “done” button
has been moved to the “old mes-
sages” view.
Tap “create mail” at the top
of the screen.
When your new mes-
sage appears, the cursor is already
placed in the “to” field.
For the purposes of this tutorial,
type you own e-mail address
into this field.
audio messages
Tap the “record” button
to highlight it orange. A control
panel appears in the white box
below the “record” button. The fol-
lowing controls are in this panel:
- Tap this button when you are
finished recording your message.
- Tap this button to play back
your message to make sure you
are happy with it before sending it
to the recipient.
- Tap this button when you
are ready to begin recording your
audio message.
Tap the “record” button on the
control panel to begin recording
your message. The “record” button
turns orange once recording begins.
When you are finished, tap the
“stop” button. Note that your mes-
sage can be a maximum of three
minutes in length.
The “scribble” button
is highlighted
orange, indicating that it is selected.
Scribble your message inside the
white box below the “scribble” but-
ton. If you make a mistake,
tap the eraser icon in the upper
right-hand corner to clear the white
text box.
Once you’ve scribbled your mes-
you’re ready to send it. You
have two send options: “send now”
and “send later.” You would tap the
“send later” button if you
were working offline (Audrey would
send your message the next time
it connects to the Internet). Tap
“send now.”
Launch the Mail application
by pressing the Mail button.
When the main screen appears,
the “new” button is highlighted
orange. If you have new messages,
they will appear in the table below
the Mail control panel.
Tap “create mail.”
When your
new message appears, the cursor
is already in the “to:” field. For the
purposes of this tutorial, type your
own e-mail address into this field.
(Normally you would type the e-mail
address of an intended recipient
in this field.) Entering your own
e-mail address is important only
for this tutorial.
Send a scribbled message first.
This is the default message type for
all new messages. The subject line
is automatically set to “take a look
at this”. You can change this subject
line by dragging the stylus across
the text to highlight it and then typ-
ing a new subject line.
scribbled messages
Audio and scribbled messages
occupy more of Audrey's memory
than typed messages. You should occa-
sionally delete older recorded
and scribbled messages to free memory.
When you tap “send now,”
returns you to the main Mail screen.
This screen is still set to display
“new” messages, but since you
haven’t downloaded any messages
yet, the table below the Mail control
panel is empty. Tap “sent.” You will
see the message you just sent in the
table below the Mail control panel. If
you tap inside the “to:” field of your
sent message, you can view the
details about and contents of your
sent message. You can also forward
or reply to the message, move back-
ward or forward in your sent mes-
sages archive using the
“previous” and “next” buttons, or
delete the sent message by tapping
“delete.” The “keep as new” button is
grayed out as it serves no purpose
from this menu. Tap “done.” You will
be returned to the sent messages
archive view. Tap “new” to view the
main Mail screen.
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