Download Data
When the meter is storing data, the Green LED will flicker one time.
There are two ways to download data:
Plug in a U-Disk, the Green LED will be normally on. Press the USB_COPY key, and then
the meter will download data to U-Disk. When downloading data, the Green LED flickers
quickly. When finishing data downloading, the Green
LED is normally on again, at the moment, pull out
the U-Disk.
Pull out the SD card in the mainboard, and then copy
the data in the SD card.
Note: When the meter is storing data, the data is stored in
SD card. Therefore, when pulling out the SD card to
copy data for a long while, the meter will loss partial data.
(The meter has a buffer of 60 data, if the interval time is
5s, the buffer time is 300s)
Read Data
When downloading data, it will create a new folder in U-Disk, the naming rules of the folder is
meter address (M46)-folder number. For example, meter address is 1, and the first time of
download data, the folder name is 1-000. The storage format of data is in “csv” file, the
naming rules are shown as below:
Naming rules of “csv” file
xx-xx-xx-xx .csv
Save another file by naming rules when the “csv” file has recorded 2000 data.
(Default: 2000, according to requirement, the number can change, please consult factory)
When opening the “csv” file, the data are shown as below: