Pipe Preparation
Before the transducers are mounted onto the pipe surface, two areas slightly larger than the flat
surface of the transducer heads must be cleaned of all rust, scale and moisture. For pipes with
rough surfaces, such as ductile iron pipe, it is recommended that the pipe surface be ground flat.
Plastic pipes typically do not require surface preparation other than soap and water cleaning.
Observe Signal Strength while placing the transducers into position. Signal Strength can be
displayed on Menu 90.
V-Mode and W-Mode Installation
1. For ULTRA-E-F transducers, place a single bead of couplant, approximately 0.5 inch [15
mm] width, on the flat face of the transducer. See Figure 2.2. Generally, silicone-based grease
is used as an acoustic couplant, but any grease-like substance that is rated not to “flow” at the
temperature that the pipe may operate will be acceptable.
Figure 2.2
Place the upstream transducer in position and secure with a mounting strap. Straps should be
placed in the arched groove on the end of the transducer. A screw is provided to help hold the
transducer onto the strap. Verify that the transducer is stick to the pipe - adjust as necessary.
Tighten the transducer strap securely.
Place the downstream transducer on the pipe at the calculated transducer spacing. See
Figure 2.3
. Using firm hand pressure, slowly move the transducer both towards and away
from the upstream transducer while observing Signal Strength.
Clamp the transducer at the
position where the highest Signal Strength is observed. A Signal Strength (Menu 90) between
60 and 95 is acceptable.
4. If after adjustment of the transducers, the Signal Strength (Menu 90) does not rise to above
60, then an alternate transducer mounting method should be selected. If the mounting method
was W-mode, then reconfigure the ULTRA-E-F for V-mode, reset the ULTRA-E-F, move the
downstream transducer to the new location and repeat step 3.