Equinox ESP-2 OPTO Serial Hub Installation and User Guide
enabled, the configuration utility will become active if the port is not in use and the
key is pressed three times in a row.
This access method is enabled on port 1 and disabled on port 2 by default. You may
enable/disable the configuration utility access method on each port using the
configuration utility (see
Displaying or Changing Port Attributes and Connection
on page 27), the web interface (see
Displaying or Changing Port Attributes
on page 17) or in a configuration file (see
5.2 About the Configuration Utility Interface
The configuration utility has a menu-based command line interface. Each menu
contains a numbered list of operations. When you enter the number associated with an
operation, you are either presented with another menu containing a numbered list of
operations or the selected command is initiated.
For example, below is an excerpt from the Top Menu. This is the menu that is
displayed when you access the utility.
0 -> Server Configuration
1 -> Port 1 Configuration
2 -> Port 2 Configuration
3 -> Status
4 -> Debug
5 -> Change password
99 -> Exit
enter command :[]
If you enter
, the Server Configuration menu appears. Below is an excerpt from the
Server Configuration menu:
0 -> Return to Top Menu
1 -> Network configuration
2 -> Flash status and update
3 -> Configurable features
4 -> Configuration File Download
5 -> Hardware Information
6 -> Reboot
7 -> Re-Initialize (Factory defaults)
99 -> Exit
enter command: []
From the Server Configuration menu, you may enter selection numbers for a desired
operation, return to the Top Menu or exit the configuration utility.
For configurable items, the current value will be displayed. To leave the value
unchanged, simply press the
key at the menu or field prompt.
The configuration utility will remain active until you enter the command to exit the
utility (usually
). If the serial configuration utility connection method is used to
access the utility and an inactivity time-out is enabled, a session will end if the
inactivity period is reached.