Equinox ESP-2 OPTO Serial Hub Installation and User Guide
To display port statistics:
Port Statistics
from the Main Menu.
4.12 Displaying Connection Status
The Connection Status display has two sections: Serial Port Active Connection Status
and Port Redirection Connections. This display refreshes every five seconds.
The Serial Port Active Connection Status section includes the information described
in Table 17 for each serial port.
Table 16: Port Statistics Display
Port status flags.
Destination IP Address
IP address of the server that has the port open.
Receive Bytes
Number of bytes received.
Transfer Bytes
Number of bytes transmitted.
Current value of the RS-232 signals (should be empty, indicating all
signals are logically low).
Baud rate/Size/Parity
Baud rate, data size (5-8 bits), parity (N=none, O=odd, E=even,
M=mark or S=space) and number of stop bits (1 or 2).
Number of framing errors, parity errors and overruns.
Table 17: Serial Port Active Connection Status Display
Serial Connection Method
Connection method is serial port redirection, Telnet server, TCP
server, TCP client, configuration utility or idle.
Destination IP Address
IP address of the remote server.
Bytes Received
Number of bytes received from the serial port since the current
connection session was established.
Bytes Transmitted
Number of bytes transmitted on the serial port since the current
connection session was established.
Connect Time
Number of days, hours, minutes and seconds that the current
connection has been established.
Inactivity Timeout
Number of minutes and seconds in the configured inactivity time-
out value for this session. If no time-out was configured, this field
Time Remaining
Number of minutes and seconds remaining until the inactivity
time-out occurs. If no time-out was configured, this field indicates
not applicable