Print mode
Plain paper (true black)
, Plain paper
(composite black), Exclusive paper,
Banner paper
, On
* IBM mode only
Print direction.
Specifies how the print head moves across the
page. The options are Uni-D, Bi-D, and Auto (default). When
Uni-D is on, the print head prints in only one direction to
provide the most precise alignment for graphics and text. In
Bi-D printing, the print head prints in both directions. Bi-D is
faster but the vertical alignment may not be as precise as
Uni-D. When Auto is selected, the printer switches
automatically between Uni-D and Bi-D as necessary when it
receives data.
Font and Pitch.
Select the built-in printer font and character
pitch used as the default. Normally you use your software to
select the font and pitch. The default Font and Pitch are Courier
10 cpi (characters per inch).
Interface mode.
Determines from which interface the printer
receives print data. The default setting, Auto, allows the printer
to automatically switch as needed between the parallel and
serial interfaces. However, if you experience communication
problems, you might want to set the interface mode to either
Parallel or Option. If you select Option, you must have an
optional interface card installed. The printer will ignore data
from the parallel interface.
Auto interface wait time.
Sets the time period for the printer to
wait for data from the current interface (and accept no data
from the other interface) when you’re using the Auto interface
mode. You can select a 10-second (default) or 30-second
Controlling the Printer