Page 76
Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
Programming Notes and Examples
Issue Date: 01/02/05
int seSetInkColor(int DevID, int Index, DWORD Color)
Sets the color of the specified ink/cursor index to 'Color'. The user definable
hardware cursor colors are sixteen bit 5-6-5 RGB colors.
The hardware ink layer image is always 2 bpp or four colors. Two of the colors are
defined to be transparent and inverse. This leaves two colors which are user
- a registered device ID
- the index, 0 or 1, to write the color to
- a sixteen bit RRRRRGGGGGGBBBBB color to write to 'Index'
Return Value: ERR_OK
- operation completed with no problems
ERR_FAILED- an index other than 0 or 1 was specified.
int seSetInkPixel(int DevID, long x, long y, DWORD Color)
Sets one pixel located at (x,y) to the value 'Color'. The point (x,y) is relative to the
upper left corner of the display.
The value of 'Color' must be 0 to 3. Values 0 and 1 refer to the two user definable
colors. If 'Color' is 2 then the pixel will be transparent and if the value is 3 the pixel
will be an inversion of the underlying screen color.
- a registered device ID
- coordinates of the pixel to draw
- a 0 to 3 value to draw the pixel with
Return Value: ERR_OK
- operation completed with no problems
int seDrawInkLine(int DevID, long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, DWORD Color)
This routine draws a line in 'Color' between the endpoints (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).
The value of 'Color' must be 0 to 3. Values 0 and 1 refer to the two user definable
colors. If 'Color' is 2 then the pixel will be transparent and if the value is 3 the pixel
will be an inversion of the underlying screen color.
- a registered device ID
- first endpoint of the line (in pixels)
- second endpoint of the line (in pixels)
-a value from 0 to 3 to draw the line with
Return Value: ERR_OK
- operation completed with no problems
int seDrawInkRect(int DevID, long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, DWORD Color,
BOOL SolidFill)
Draws a rectangle of color 'Color' and optionally fills it. The upper left corner of the
rectangle is the point (x1,y1) and the lower right corner of the rectangle is the point