The Reference diskette contains the following VGA utilities:
Provides 132-column text in text-based
programs such as WordStar’s’ and
Sets the built-in VGA adapter to emulate
the operation of a variety of graphics
Turns off your VGA display when you
have not used your computer for a
specified period of time.
Copying the Utility Files
If you have a hard disk, you should copy the VGA utility files
from your Reference diskette to your hard disk and run the
programs from there. This section describes how to copy the files
and include a pathname for the files in your AUTOEXEC.BAT
file. Once you have copied the files and modified
AUTOEXEC.BAT, read the sections below that describe how
to use each utility you copied to your hard disk.
If you do not have a hard disk, you can skip this section and
go on to the sections below about using each utility. Keep in
mind that you’ll need to insert the Reference diskette in drive
A and log onto drive A each time you want to run one of the
Follow these steps to copy the utility files to your hard disk:
If necessary, turn on your computer.
Log onto the root directory of your hard disk.
Enhancing System Operations