Enter the first and last cylinder numbers on which you want to
perform the tests. The default for the start cylinder number is 0,
and the default for the end cylinder number is one less than the
highest cylinder number of your hard disk. For example, on a
40MB hard disk, the highest cylinder number is 976.
Start and end head numbers
The program displays the following prompts for the starting and
ending head numbers:
Start head number
End head number
nn ?
Enter the first and last head numbers on which you want to
perform the tests. The default for the start head number is 0, and
the default for the end head number is one less than the highest
head number of your hard disk. For example, the default end
head number for a 40MB disk is 4.
After you specify the hard disk parameters, press Y and
the Proceed
prompt to run the test.
Hard Disk Format
The Hard disk format program performs a low-level format on
your hard disk. If your computer came with a factory-installed
hard disk or if you have installed an optional Epson hard disk, it
has already been formatted for you.
You may need to format the hard disk if you have installed a
new, non-Epson hard disk in your computer that has never
received this type of low-level format and did not come with its
own format utility.
You must still partition and format the hard disk for
MS-DOS after performing, this low-level format. See your
MS-DOS Installation Guide for instructions.
C- 16
Performing System Diagnostics