Modifying the CONFIG.SYS File
If you have a word processing program that can save a file as a
text-only file (also called an ASCII file), you can use it to add
the memory manager to the CONFIG.SYS file. Follow these
Start your word processing program.
Load the file CONFIG.SYS and add the following command
For information on optional parameters, see “Using
EMM286.SYS options,” below.
If the EMM286.SYS file is in a directory other than the
root directory and you have not entered that directory in
a PATH command (in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, for
example), you need to include the pathname for
EMM286.SYS on the DEVICE= command line. For
example, if EMM286.SYS is in a directory called \DRV
on drive C, include the pathname like this:
If you plan to use any of your expanded memory to create
a virtual disk with the MS-DOS VDISK device driver, be
sure to insert the DEVICE=EMM286.SYS command line
before the VDISK command line in your CONFIG.SYS
file. See your MS-DOS Reference Manual for information
about VDISK.
Save the file as an ASCII text file.
4. Reset the computer.
Enhancing System Operations