10. You see the Button Properties dialog box. FocalPoint Setup
automatically fills in the Working Directory box and selects
the Lenny’s MusicToons icon. Select OK.
11. Repeat steps 4 through 10 to create the Sound Test button
substituting the following information:
In the Title field, type Sound Test.
In the File Name box, select lensnoop. exe.
12. Repeat steps 4 through 6 again to create the Read Me button
substituting Lenny’s Read Me in the Title field.
13. In the Drives box. select drive C :
14. In the Directories box, select the windows directory.
15. In the File Name box, select notepad. exe. Then select OK.
16. You see the Button Properties dialog box. Move the cursor to
the end of the command in the Command Line field and type
c : \ l e n n y \ r e a d m e . d o c .
17. Now select the icon shown in the Icon box. In the dialog box,
select the following:
D r i v e :
c :
D i r e c t o r y : w i n d o w s
F i l e N a m e : * . e x e
18. Then select the file notepad. exe when the *.exe files are
19. Select OK.
20. Select the Setup control button again to exit FocalPoint Setup.
Now all the components of Lenny’s MusicToons are installed in
Windows and in FocalPoint.