Pump Type & Control Information
• The declared performances are valid for liquids with density 1,0 kg/dm
and kinematic viscosity 1mm
Configuration Fixed Speed Presflo Multiboost
Settable parameters:
Running pressure
When the pressure in the system
falls below the Pm, PRESFLO®
starts-up the pump. T
he Pm
should always be higher by at
least 0.2 – 0.3 bar of the pressure
generated by the column of
water overlooking PRESFLO®.
The Pm value can be carried in the
field between 1 bar and 5 bar.
Maximum current allowed.
PRESFLO® is “tted with a current
sensor, which continually detects
the absorption of the pump. If
the current remains above the set
Imax value for a signi”cant period
of time, PRESFLO® stops the pump
to protect it from damages (LOCK
condition for OVERCURRENT).
PRESFLO® nevertheless allows
the Imax to be exceeded for short
periods during the pump start-up
For correct functioning, the
Imax should be set at a value
higher by approx. 10 – 20% to
the maximum absorption of the
(normally indicated on the rating
plate of the motor).
If this rating value is not known, it
s better to leave the standard Imax
value (16A) to avoid that the pump
stops also in normal absorption
The Imax value may be varied in
the “eld between 4A and 16A.
Manufacturer’s setting:
PRESFLO® is supplied with the following STANDARD CONFIGURA-
Running pressure
Pm = 2 ( bar )
Max. current allowed
I max = 16 ( A )
The adjustment of the starting pressure (Pm) and the maximum
permissible current (I max) is done by means of two trimmers shown
in FIG.
1. Remove the small screwdriver and adjust the trimmer on the
desired limits, according to the values shown on the plate
located under the screwdriver.
2. The start-up pressure can be adjusted continuously from 1 to 5
bar (trimmer A) .
3. The maximum permissible current can be adjusted continuous-
ly from 4 to 12 A (trimmer B)
4. When you finish adjustment close the cover
Fixed Speed - Presflo Multi Controls
Fixed Speed Control Pressure Settings
The Multiboost discharge cut-in pressure is factory set on the controller. The maximum
discharge pressure setting should not be set higher than the pressure the pump can achieve,
otherwise the pump will not stop with “a no water” demand condition, and will result in heating
the liquid in the pump and possible shaft seal damage.
The cut-in pressure is factory set at 2.5 bar pressure and 4.5 Amps
Pre-charge cut in pressure in the pressure tank must be set 2lbs below the cut in pressure. It is
recommended to check the tank air pressure every 4 months.