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PM controlled APM: This option shows weather or not you want the Power Man-
agement to be controlled the Advanced Power Management (APM).
The default is Yes.
Yes: APM controls your PM
No: APM does not control your PM
Video Off Method: This option allows you to select how the video will be disabled
by the power management.
The default is V/H Sync + Blank
V/H Sync + Blank: System turns off vertical and horizontal synchronization
ports and writes blanks to the video buffer.
DPMS: Select this option if your monitor supports the Display Power
Management Signaling (DPMS) standard of the Video Electronics Stan-
dards Association (VESA). Use the software supplied for your video sub-
system to select video power management values.
Blank Screen: System only writes blanks to the video buffer.
Video Off option: Tells you what time frame that the video will be disabled under
current power management settings.
The default is Standby.
Standby: Video powers off after time shown in standby mode setting.
Doze: Video powers off after time shown in doze mode setting.
Suspend: Video powers off after time shown in suspend mode setting.
N/A: Video power off not controlled by power management.
MODEM Use IRQ: Name the interrupt request (IRQ) line assigned to the modem
(if any) on your system. Activity of the selected IRQ always awakens the system.
Default is IRQ 3.
N/A: No IRQ is used.
3: IRQ 3
4: IRQ 4
5: IRQ 5
7: IRQ 7
9: IRQ 9
10: IRQ 10
11: IRQ 11
The EP-MVP3C/2 supports HDD Power Down, Doze and Standby power saving
functions when using the Intel Pentium II Processor.
The default is Disabled
Doze Mode: The “Doze” mode timer starts to count when no “PM events” have