UM-ITAG4-160217 REV.D
For multiple alarm ranges model, Alarm zone A1, A2, A3 are deemed as high alarm zones, A5, A6
are deemed as low alarm zones, all numbers of violation events in each high alarm zone will be
added up and total number shows in high alarm zone area of home screen, the same applies to
low alarm zones.
Due to LCD only has 2 digits displaying number of violation events for each alarm zone, so 99 is
the biggest number on LCD indicating the violation events, please refer to data report for the real
number of violation events when LCD shows 99 for violation events.
LCD Examples
– View Logging Statistics
Click on
button to
view monitoring statistics and alarm information screen by screen.
Maximam Value
Minimum Value
Average Value
Statistics for each alarm zone
High Alarm Zone (Temp): Alarm
Violation Event: 3
Total violation time: 2 days 11 hours 35 minutes
High Alarm Zone (Temp) - A2: OK
Multiple Alarm Ranges
Violation Event: 3
Total violation time: 6 hours 30 minutes
Low Alarm Zone (RH): Alarm
Violation Event: 3
Total violation time: 45 minutes