Users manual
version 1.5
5.3 Safe values
When you choose "Safe", you will see (together with the measured value) what values are safe
for the electric field strength during sleep, according to the German SBM2015 standard. Also
the values with qualification “slight concern”, “severe concern” and “extreme concern” will be
Again pressing “Safe” will switch back to the normal display.
For indoor living or working areas, you can use values that are 10 times higher than the values
during sleep, that are shown here.
5.4 Orientation for older devices
In older devices (with software version below 2.0), the electric field sensor is at another
position. (The software version can be found in the home screen, on the top line).
Electric field sensor position
For these older devices, the sensor is at the back side of the device. The device should be held
in a vertical position, with the sensor pointing to the direction in which you want to measure.