Users manual
version 1.5
Chapter 6 Low frequency magnetic field
6.1 Measurement
The magnetic field sensor is placed at the right side of the device. An antenna is not needed.
The human body does not shield the magnetic field (as opposed to the electric field), so it is
not very important how the device is held in your hand.
The device should be hold in several position, because it is only sensitive to a single direction
of the magnetic field lines. The highest measured value should be used.
The device should not be moved during the measurement.
Magnetic sensor position
The display will show the strength of the magnetic field in microTesla. It will also show the
waveform. The vertical height of the waveform is automatically adjusted for optimal visibility.
The measurement range is from 0.01 µT up to 3.99 µT.
The distance to the source of the magnetic field has a big influence on the measured strength of
the magnetic field.