P3 - Partial opening command
S2. - Detection of stop during opening
- motor 1
3P - Opening command with operator
S.2. - Detection of stop during opening
- motor 2
4P - Closing command with operator
OO. - Reaching of obstacle detection
limit during opening - motor 1
RX - Radio reception (of any memo-
rised key of a transmitter present in the
O.O. - Reaching of obstacle detection
limit during opening - motor 2
NX - Radio reception (of any non-mem-
orised key)
NB: with the selection
, it
is also visualised when a command is received
from a non-stored transmitter.
OC. - Reaching of obstacle detection
limit during closing - motor 1
O.C. - Reaching of obstacle detection
limit during closing - motor 2
EX - Rolling-code radio reception out of
RV - Enabling/disabling of built-in radio
receiver via RDX
EP - Radio reception not complying with
the parameter configuration
MQ - Learning operation of mechanical
end stops in progress
CX - Command received from AUX1 board
HT - Heating of the motors (NIO function)
in progress
CY - Command received from AUX2 board
JR1 - Variation of the JR1 jumper status
FC. - Closure limit switch - motor 1
PC - Recognition of connected HOST
(Personal Computer)
F.C. - Closure limit switch - motor 2
ES - Switch to Green Mode (energy-sav-
FA. - Opening limit switch - motor 1
1C - Closing operation (1 gate wing at
a time)
F.A. - Opening limit switch - motor 2
SD - Recognition of microSD card
S1. - Detection of stop during closure -
motor 1
ED - Log storage on microSD
S.1. - Detection of stop during closure -
motor 2