Chapter 8
—Insert Effect Parameters
To access the Parameters described on this page (unless otherwise noted):
Press Effects
turn the Parameter knob to select Insert Effect
and press Enter
Turn the Parameter
knob to select the parameter
and use the Value knob to change the parameter's Setting
ENSONIQ MR-Rack Musician’s Manual
Dly1 Feedback
-99% to +99%
Determines the amount of signal that will be fed from the output back
into the input, increasing the number of repeats in the delay.
Dly1 Damping
100Hz to 21.2kHz
Controls the cutoff of a low pass filter on the feedback signal, which
adjusts the amount of damping to the feedback signals. The higher the
number, the more the signals are damped.
Dly1 Pan
Full <L to Full >R
Determines the location of the delay in the stereo spectrum.
Dly2 Time
1/1 Sys to 1/32 Sys, 0ms to
Sets the amount of delay time for the second independent delay.
Dly2 Level
Off, -49.5dB to +12.0dB
Adjusts the volume of the delayed signal against the original dry signal.
Dly2 Feedback
-99% to +99%
Determines the amount of signal that will be fed from the output back
into the input, increasing the number of repeats in the delay.
Dly2 Damping
100Hz to 21.2kHz
Controls the cutoff of a low pass filter on the feedback signal, which
adjusts the amount of damping to the feedback signals. The higher the
number, the more the signals are damped.
Dly2 Pan
Full <L to Full >R
Determines the location of the delay in the stereo spectrum.