Owner's Manual
Page 8
To trigger the alarm in an emergency, press
button for 2 seconds. The siren
sounds and the parking lights flash for about
30 seconds. The alarm and door lock/unlock
status do not change.
Stop the siren and the parking lights any time
by pressing any of the four buttons.
1. The alarm will be in the armed mode and
the doors will lock if the button is used to
exit the panic mode.
2. The alarm will be in the disarmed mode
and the doors will unlock if the button
is used to exit panic mode.
3. The alarm will be in the disarmed mode,
the doors will lock, and channel 2 output
will be activated if the button is used to
exit panic mode
4. The alarm and the door locks will return
to their original mode if the button is
used to exit panic mode.
There are times, especially at night, when you may
not want to hear the siren chirps. There are 2 ways
to delete chirps:
A. One-time delete — Just press the button any
time before you need the chirps deleted. For
instance, press the button before you press the
button to arm the alarm, and the chirps will
not sound, but the parking lights will still flash.
The chirps are restored the next time you press
any transmitter button.
B. Permanent delete — Your dealer can program
your alarm to delete the chirps on a permanent
NOTE — Either method deletes the arm, disarm, pre-
intrusion, zone bypass, sensor bypass, emergency
disarm, valet, and tamper chirps. However, they do
not affect the flashing parking lights.
CHIRP DELETE (silent arm/disarm)
With this optional feature, your alarm can
automatically lock the doors when the button
is pressed to arm the alarm and unlock the
doors when the button is pressed to disarm
the alarm. For extra security, they lock
automatically if the alarm is triggered.
HELP above)
Your alarm can also be programmed for
ignition-controlled operation. The doors can
be set to automatically lock when you turn the
ignition ON, and unlock when you turn the
ignition OFF.
NOTE — Under passive arming, and when
the SecureLock
function is enabled, the
doors automatically lock after the 30-second
exit delay is over and the alarm arms.
Silent Disarm
Silent Arm