I n s t a l l a t i o n o f V i d e o L a n
VideoLan is a cross platform media player, it is the one used to display MPEG2
services adapted by
VideoLAN is a software project, which produces free software for video, released
under the GNU General Public License.
It can be downloaded at the following Web address : http://www.videolan.org/
E q u i p m e n t r e t u r n f o r r e p a i r
In case of any trouble with one of ENENSYS Technologies' products, please report
it to our Technical Support team via email (
). Your request
should specify Part Number and Serial Number as displayed on the bottom label of
the equipment, with a description of the defect, reference of Purchase Order if
possible, and your full details.
When receiving your request, a support engineer will get in touch with you in
order to surely identify the source of your problem. If equipment has to be returned
for repair, a RMA number (Returned Material Authorization) will be especially
created and recorded, and provided to you. You will need to indicate it on the
shipment cartons of the faulty equipment, and/or add it in your communication with
our support team. Your equipment will be shipped back to you along with a repair
ENENSYS DiviCatch RF - Manual
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Catch RF
User Guide
ENENSYS Technologies
Le Germanium
80 avenue des Buttes de Coesmes
35700 Rennes
Office (+33) 1 70 72 5170
(+33) 2 99 36 03 84