To access detailed information or keep a trace, it is possible to generate a
log message upon
each error detected
. For that, check the check box located at the right-hand side of the
counter. Log message information will include actual values detected outside the range as well
as the PID on which the error occurred.
Monitoring starts as soon as a min or max value has been set. Upon the first value detected out
of the defined ranges, LED turns red and counter is set to 1. Upon every further error detected,
counter increments.
Fec presence
This alarm checks the presence of FEC data on all bursts.
Burst duration
This alarms checks the total duration of all bursts.
Burst size
This alarm checks the total size (MPE + FEC) of all bursts.
This alarm checks the off-time, that means the total time between two bursts on all PIDs.
This alarm checks jitter on all bursts. Following DVB recommendations, jitter should not exceed
10ms in order to maximise power saving on the battery of the receiver.
Jitter Alarm is calculated from the minimum claimed delta-t
. For further information, refer to
page 21.
: This alarm is also useful to detect bursts arriving “too early”, that means bursts arriving
before the time interval defined through delta-t information. For that, minimum should be set to 0.
This alarm checks value of MPE-FEC Frame Error Rate on all bursts (refer to page 20 for further details).
This alarm checks value of Frame Error Rate on all bursts (refer to page 20 for further details).
D i v i C a t c h R F - D V B - H A n a l y s i s
: The DVB-H analysis panel is only available with the
Catch RF-T/H
The DVB-H analysis panel enables real-time bursts visualization, and a smart
comparison between values received and those supposed to be received (contained
within MPE header).
In order to monitor one PID (one DVB-H service), it is necessary to:
place the mouse over the window where bursts are scrolling. From now,
scrolling stops.
ENENSYS DiviCatch RF - Manual
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Catch RF
User Guide