The Alarms tab offers continuous monitoring on varied aspects of the transport stream.
: If min and max values are kept to default value
, the alarm is disabled.
Bitrate monitoring
The Bitrate monitoring section of Alarms is used to monitor real-time bitrate.
Two predefined alarms on Net bitrate (that means overall bitrate minus stuffing) and Stuffing
bitrate are shown by default. It is also possible to add a bitrate monitoring on specific PIDs.
First, click Start bitrate monitoring.
Specify the minimum and/or maximum values defining the range in which your bitrate should
be considered as correct.
: Stuffing bitrate corresponds to monitoring the bitrate of PID 0x1FFF (or 8191). This measure
is especially useful for monitoring streams on which statistical multiplexing is used. It helps you
validate that you net bitrate does not come too close to your overall bitrate allowed.
If need to monitor
one or more specific PIDs
, click Add PID. A new line appears, showing a
drop-down list contaning all PIDs of the MPEG2-TS. Select a PID, and specify the bitrate range.
To add further PIDs, repeat the same operation. To remove a PID monitoring, choose Remove
from the drop-down list.
To access detailed information or keep a trace, it is possible to generate a
log message upon
each error detected
. For that, check the check box located at the right-hand side of the
counter. Log message information will include the actual bitrate detected outside the range.
Monitoring starts as soon as a min or max value has been set. Upon the first value detected out
of the defined ranges, LED turns red and counter is set to 1. Upon every further error detected,
counter increments.
Transport and RF consistency monitoring
These alarms are used to check the consistency of the information conveyed on the transport layer
and on the transmission layer. If any deviation is detected between both information, an error is
detected (first LED turns red, then counter increments upon each error).
To start this monitoring, click Start checking consistency.
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