Phone: +1-844-584-2329
Wire & commission
Wiring and commissioning the charger is
to be done by qualified electrical
personnel only.
The wiring diagram is also available on
the inside of the Service Hatch.
In all cases:
Use Copper Conductors only.
Check that the wiring is sitting behind the
lower face of the switch gear so they will
not interfere with the service cover.
When completed, switch on the breaker
and check the interface panel on the front
door is cycling through the icons. Each
icon will be lit in turn on the interface
Contact your supplier to run through the
diagnostic testing to commission the unit.
When the wiring and cabling is connect
ed, refit the service cover BEFORE you
turn on power supply to the charger.
The power supply to the charger should
never be on without the service cover