SS2100 TDLAS Gas Analyzer
Hauser’s SS2100 products are high-speed, diode laser-based
extractive analyzers designed for extremely reliable monitoring of very low
(trace) to standard concentrations of specific components in various back
ground gases.
In order to operate the analyzer safely, it is important to closely review all
information contained in this manual. This manual is divided into the follow
ing sections:
General Safety Instructions
Equipment Installation
Equipment Operation
Equipment Maintenance and Service
How to Use This
Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the content in this manual by
reading the Table of Contents. This manual has been written to address the
most common safety issues related to the installation and operation of the
SS2100 analyzer. Additional information has been provided with the ana
lyzer model purchased to instruct qualified users in the installation, opera
tion and maintenance of the equipment.
Images, tables and charts have been included with instruction to provide a
visual understanding of the analyzers and its functions. Special symbols are
also used to provide the user with key information regarding the system con
figuration and/or operation. Users should pay close attention to this infor
Conventions used in this manual
In addition to the symbols and instructional information, this manual is cre
ated with “hot links” to enable the user to quickly navigate between different
sections within the manual. These links include table, figure and section ref
erences and are identified by a pointing finger cursor
when rolling over
the text. Simply click on the link to navigate to the associated reference.
Enclosed in your analyzer system order is the product Safety Manual for your
reference. Please review all necessary safety instructions before installing or
operating your analyzer. This document is an integral part of the complete
document package, which is listed in the following table.
Part Number
Document Type
A complete overview of the oper
ations required to install, com
mission and maintain the SS2100
S TDLAS Gas Analyzer.