Operation via FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus
Operation via FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus
Block model
In the FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus all the device parameters are categorized according to their
functional properties and task and are generally assigned to three different blocks. A block may be
regarded as a container in which parameters and the associated functionalities are contained. A
FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus device has the following block types:
• A Resource Block (device block):
The Resource Block contains all the device-specific features of the unit.
• One or more Transducer Blocks:
The Transducer Blocks contain the measuring and device-specific parameters of the device.
• One or more function blocks: The function blocks contain the device's automation functions. We
distinguish between different function blocks, e.g. Integrator function block, Arithmetic function
block. Each of these function blocks is used to execute different application functions.
Depending on how the individual function blocks are arranged and connected, various automation
tasks can be realized. In addition to these blocks, a field device may have other blocks, e.g. several
Input Selector function blocks if more than one process variable is available from the field device.
RID1x has the following blocks:
Fig. 20:
Block model RID1x
Resource Block (device block)
The Resource Block contains all the data that clearly identify and characterize the field device. It is
an electronic version of a nameplate on the field device. In addition to parameters that are needed
to operate the device on the fieldbus, the Resource Block makes information such as the order code,
device ID, hardware revision, software revision, device release etc. available.
A further task of the Resource Block is the management of overall parameters and functions that
have an influence on the execution of the remaining function blocks in the field device. The
Resource Block is thus a central unit that also checks the device status and thereby influences or
controls the operability of the other function blocks and thus also of the device. As the Resource
Block does not have any block input and block output data, it cannot be linked to other blocks.
The most important functions and parameters of the Resource Block are listed below.