Proline Promag 55 FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Performing empty pipe/full pipe adjustment (with configuration program
Make sure that hardware write protection is switched off
In the configuration program, open the "Flow" Transducer Block
(TRANSDUCER_FLOW_xxxxxxxxxxx/base index: 1400).
Enable programming:
– Enter the access code in the "Access – Code" parameter.
– In the "Access – Status" parameter, the message "ACCESS CUSTOMER" should now appear.
Empty the piping. For the following empty pipe adjustment, the wall of the measuring tube
should be wetted with fluid.
Start empty pipe adjustment:
– In the "EPD – Adjustment" parameter, select the "Empty Pipe Adjust" setting.
– Start the empty pipe adjustment by sending this setting to the field device.
After empty pipe adjustment, fill the piping with fluid.
Start full pipe adjustment when the medium is stagnant:
– In the "EPD – Adjustment" parameter, select the "Full Pipe Adjust" setting.
– Now start the full pipe adjustment by sending this setting to the field device.
On completion of the adjustment, select the setting "Off" and exit the function by sending this
setting to the field device.
Now select the "EPD – Empty Pipe Detection" parameter. Switch on empty pipe detection by
selecting the setting "ON (for EPD)" and sending the setting to the field device.
The adjustment values must be valid before you can activate the EPD function. If the
adjustment is incorrect, the following messages are output in the "Diagnosis" Transducer Block
(base index: 1600) by means of the "Diag. – Act.Sys.Condition" parameter:
– EPD adjustment wrong – Err. No. 463
The adjustment values for empty pipe and full pipe are identical. In such cases you must
repeat empty pipe or full pipe adjustment.
This error (
90) is conveyed to the downstream function blocks by means of the "BAD"
status of the AI Block output variable OUT.
– EPD adjustment not possible – Err. No. 461
Adjustment is not possible as the conductivity of the medium is outside the permitted range.
This error (
90) is conveyed to the downstream function blocks by means of the
"UNCERTAIN" status of the AI Block output variable OUT.