Source container FQG66
Basic safety instructions
Radiation safety officer
The plant operator must appoint a radiation safety officer (RSO) who has the necessary
specialist knowledge and who is responsible for observing the Radiation Protection
Directive and all radiation protection procedures. Hauser offers training courses
in which individuals can acquire the necessary specialist knowledge.
Control zone
Only persons who are exposed to radiation during the course of their job and are subject to
official personal dose monitoring procedures may work in control zones (i.e. areas where
the local dose rate exceeds a specific value). The limit values for the control zone are
specified in the current Radiation Protection Ordinance applicable for your area.
The Hauser sales organization will be pleased to provide further information on
radiation protection and regulations in other countries.
2.10 Supplementary safety instructions
Please observe the safety instructions in documents SD00292F/00 (for Canada) and
SD01561F/00 (for the United States).