Source container FQG61, FQG62
Proximity switches
Type model: Fuchs 181094-NCB2-12GM35-NO-10M
Cable entries
Suitable cable diameter: 5 to 10 mm (0.2 to 0.39 in)
Potential equalization
Connection data
• Nominal voltage: 8V
• Current consumption
• Measuring plate not detected: >=3 mA
• Measuring plate detected: <=1 mA
Isolating amplifier
The following isolating amplifiers, for example, can be connected for signal evaluation:
• Nivotester FTL325N (Hauser)
• KFA6-SH-Ex1, 230 V AC (Fuchs)
• KFD2-SH-Ex1, 24 V DC (Fuchs)
Before commissioning, the compressed air supply must be connected for the pneumatic drive and the
padlock (1) on the top must be removed. This padlock only needs to be affixed again for revision
purposes (OFF position). In the meantime, it should be attached to the second padlock or kept
outside the installation. The lower padlock (2) blocks access to the radiation source and must not be
removed during normal operation.
Padlock for securing the switch position - remove when operating the pneumatic actuator
Padlock for safeguarding the radiation source - must not be removed during normal operation
Reading the switch state
The current switch state is indicated by the sign that is visible ("EIN - ON" or "AUS - OFF").
The other sign is covered by the rotary disk on the pneumatic switch.