Users’ Manual
EAN-26MH Horizontal inclinometer system
The horizontal inclinometer system mainly comprises of the following:
Casing model EAN-26-MH/1.1
Self-aligning ABS inclinometer casing with four internal groove at 90
to each other with 70 mm o.d. and
58 mm i.d. in 3 m length is supplied. Grooves inside the casing control the orientation of the probe and
provide a fixed surface for measurements. Casing is installed with one pair of groove aligned vertically
such that there is a top groove and a bottom groove.
Fixed coupling EAN-26MH/1.2
ABS, 77 mm o.d., 160 mm long fixed coupling is used for jointing two lengths of the above access
Casing (70 mm od, 3 m long)
Coupling (77 mm od,
160 mm long)
Protective cap model EAN-26MH/1.4
End cap for inclinometer cable reel end. The protective end cap incorporates a threaded adaptor.
Protective cap model EAN-26MH/1.5
End cap for pull cable reel end. The protective end cap incorporates a removable pin.
Inclinometer probe model EAN-26MH/2.1
It is of stainless steel construction designed to take measurements within horizontally installed
inclinometer casing. The probe is uniaxial and is fitted with a pair of pivoted sprung wheels which can
freely rotate on individual bearings and a pair of fixed wheel so as to rest on the base of the access
tubing having a center distance of 500 mm i.e. gage length. Both the ends of probe have provision to fix
threaded adaptor used to connect the pull cable when taking readings. A four pin connector is provided
for connection to the cable. A ‘
sign is marked on one side of sprung wheels. This side will be at the top
Figure 1 – Casing and Couplings
Figure 2 – Inclinometer Probe
Sprung wheels to be at the top groove
Fixed wheels to be at the bottom groove